Greenpeace 2019

Greenpeace Pole-to-Pole expedition: Azores 2019

Greenpeace Pole-to-Pole expedition: Azores 2019

The main objective of the Greenpeace 2019 cruise in the Azores on-board the MV Esperanza was to (i) map benthic communities inhabiting unexplored seamounts in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) west of Faial Island with an ROV Seaeye Cougar-XT, (ii) identify new areas that fit the FAO vulnerable marine ecosystems definition; and (iii) to contribute with additional data to address patterns and drivers of the distribution of deep-sea benthic biodiversity in the Azores. The sampling design also allowed the collection of biological samples for taxonomy and genetic studies. During the Greenpeace 2019 cruise, we had the opportunity to conduct short ROVs dives in the Beta and Cavala seamounts.

Greenpeace invited deep-sea scientists from IMAR Instituto do Mar and Okeanos University of the Azores to join the Greenpeace Pole-to-Pole expedition – an almost year-long voyage from the Arctic to the Antarctic to highlight the many threats oceans are facing, and to campaign for a Global Ocean Treaty covering all seas outside of national waters. While in the Azores, we aimed to visit some previously unexplored seamounts in the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) where there was strong evidence of the presence of large aggregations of the bubble gum coral Paragorgia johnsoni and other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) indicator taxa. These areas were located around the Cavala seamount area, approximately 100 nm west of Horta harbour in Faial island.

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420 km
Multibeam Bathymetry
0 km²
Filmed Seabed
1 km
Visited Areas
Video Footage Recorded
2.5 hours
Used Storage
0.04 Tb
— No information available at this moment


  1. Due to several problems with the ROV, the bottom time was quite limited to about 1:40 hours in Beta and 00:50 hours in Cavala. Also, the distance covered was very small and we were only able to sample a limited area in the valley between the two peaks of the Cavala seamount.
  2. Beta seamount revealed sparse occurrences of large bubble gum coral (Paragorgia johnsoni) and a “new” type of sponge aggregations composed of several Rossellidae (cf. Asconema) individuals. In Beta seamount, as in many other areas of the MAR, diverse multispecies coral gardens were observed.
  3. In Cavala seamount, we confirmed the presence of aggregations of the bubble gum coral Paragorgia johnsoni, however, its extent and densities were impossible to verify. Cavala also revealed a very diverse cold-water coral garden composed of large colonies of Paramuricea sp. with Paragorgia johnsoni, and several species of soft corals, including many Anthomastus sp. We also observed a diverse sponge field composed of some massive sponges (cf. Characella pachastrelloides, Phakelia robusta) and cf. Poecillastra compressa and many incrusting sponges.
  4. These two seamounts seem to host very diverse benthic communities and large colonies of bubble gum coral, suggesting that the distribution of this Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem indicator taxa may be more widespread than previously thought.
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Scientific Crew


Carlos Dominguez-Carrió

Location of operation

Cavala Seamount, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Azores EEZ)


Greenpeace 2019

Leg Period Days at sea Vessel Departure Return
1 28/06/2019 - 03/07/2019 6 MV Esperanza Horta Horta

A total of 6 days at sea


Video survey (ROV Seaeye Cougar-XT)

Meet us

Institute of Marine Sciences — Okeanos, University of the Azores

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas — Universidade dos Açores

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, No. 4
9901-862 Horta, Portugal

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